Antenatal class (english)

Dauer: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 5 pm
Gebühr: 125 €
Antenatal class This antenatal class will help you to prepare for your baby’s birth and your very first time of being a family. You will get information about labour and birth, how to cope with labour, breathing and relaxation techniques, how your partner can support you and also the different types of pain relief. We will talk about breastfeeding, your postnatal period and postnatal care. You can ask questions and get connected to other parents to be. This course is for couples. Costs: 125 € for companions (partial refund by health insurances possible) For mothers the course is covered by health insurances. Time: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 5 pm Please bring your insurance card and the fee of 125€ in cash with you.